Baptisms – A sign of God’s love
Baptism is a sacrament by which people of all ages are welcomed in the care and family of the Church, a sign of God’s love in Christ. For young children, parents may wish to bring them to church for baptism making promises on their behalf so that they can confirm that baptism in later years. Or they may wish to wait to allow their child to make their own decision to be baptised, and instead bring them for a service of thanksgiving and blessing. The United Reformed Church respects both paths.
For adults baptism involves making a commitment of faith, turning away from the past to the new life Christ offers and following him into the future. To find out more about the Christian faith come along to the church or contact the minister here.
Information is also available in a booklet available from the United Reformed Church “What we believe about Baptism”- view here.

Weddings – Celebrating a couple’s commitment to each other
The Church values marriage as an expression of love and commitment between two people which God blesses and inspires. We offer a marriage service for those who wish to make this commitment in the church and before God We also offer a service of blessing for those already married in a civil ceremony. We would be delighted to help celebrate your special day.
Funerals – Honouring each life and supporting those who grieve
As a church community we are there to offer support, friendship and care to all, whatever their situation or background. Inj the joys and heartaches of life we aim to ‘be there’ for people. The loss of a loved one, whether expected or sudden, beings many mixed feelkings and challenges. Through funerals and services of thanksgiving, our church offers support to families and friends faced with the loss of a loved one. The minister will be able to meet with you to discuss and plan a service.