Getting ready…

There’s always something that we are getting ready for…

At Cores End Church, we are getting ready for the Charity Coffee Morning on Saturday 30 November from 10 am to 12 noon. Come for a hot drink and some Christmas shopping including cakes, crafts, second-hand jewellery, books, jigsaws, bits & bobs.

In Advent, we prepare for our minds for the Christmas season, this year joining the Marlow Methodist on-line Advent group. Sometimes we need to stop, think, discuss and think again to come to our own conclusions about life, how we are and what is coming next. Look out for details for joining this group.

The Carol Service is another important part of preparing for Christmas. Join in the singing on Sunday 22 December at 6:30 pm, followed by refreshments.

Finally, when the preparations are over, we gather on Christmas day at 11 am for an all-age service, celebrating Jesus’ birthday.