Don’t forget November!

November the 5th, we remember that guy who tried to blow up the government. This year, the US election takes place and we hope it is peaceful.

On Remembrance Sunday, 10 November, the service begins at 10:30am and includes the 11am silence. The church has plaques for the local folk who died in the1st and 2nd World Wars and we remember them and the many, many other people who served and sacrificed their lives.

On 13 November at 7:30pm, remember to come to the church foyer for another “bring & share” evening. This month we will be telling stories about our favourite things.

We remember children, when we bring a toy, book or game for a child to the “Toy service” on 24 November at 10:30am. The donations go via the Wycombe charity for local families to receive at Christmas.

In addition, Trinity URC, High Wycombe, have a Service of Remembering at 3pm on 3rd November. It’s a quiet, thoughtful service for our loved ones, who we will never forget.