Autumn activities…

We love being outside in the summertime and thank God for all the events and beautiful places in our area. Special thanks to all the Lighthouse holiday clubs that the local children enjoyed.

As the temperature cools, the days shorten and the kids go back to school, it’s still great to be outside. Wrap up a bit and put wellies on. You’re always welcome to wander round the meadow at the back of the churchyard. Enjoy the peacefulness, listen to the birds and look out for insects. Use this quiet space to think some thoughts.

Bring your thoughts to the church foyer on 9 October 7:30pm for another evening of shared ideas. This month, we are talking about heroes.

On 27 October, at the 10:30am family service, we will be collecting shoeboxes filled with gifts to go to Link for Hope. Look at their website Home – Link To Hope to learn about the shoebox appeal and see all the amazing projects they have to help people in eastern Europe.